By the time
It has to be here. Last it was kept in that tiny medicine-pill box.
(2013, Rainy day in Jakarta, she was visiting a local flea market with her Boss. He suggested her to buy the tiny medicine pill box as SIM card storage.) It was a wonderful idea. She had been struggling with her huge pile of SIM cards, changing every other two weeks, as she hopped on and off around the world for her work. It was actually Boss’ wife's brilliant idea; to store sim cards in the pill box. Women!
It has been over a decade but she still goes back to that day whenever this tiny pill box is in her sight. It is amazing how small things, like a magnet, attract memories forgotten or probably stored neatly inside our brains somewhere. On any unsuspected day, a tiny Neuron might hit that storage brain-shelf and drop that memory box off the brain-shelf. Bam! A day dream erupts, a nostalgia creeks in and 2013 is fresh as a daisy in your mind. Nuts!
‘Aah, here you are’ She finds the pill box in her white basket which she had purchased as a set of three baskets. Two of which are now gracing the shoe-rack at the entrance of the house and one of which now dutifully sits on her work desk.
She picks up the security key from the pill box and plugs it in the laptop. New security measures are adding new hardware all around her. Wires and devices are increasing exponentially in her life and yet she finds herself disconnected and unsecured.
'But it shall end soon, won't it' she thinks to herself.
'Let’s begin!' She exhales.
First should be the money. She does not want her assets to be fought over or worst; end up with the government.
She starts writing.
“May be I should not use paper. He should not know about it” she thinks a little louder.
She opens a new sheet on Google sheets and start writing. Local assets, foreign assets, money in equity. Next she checks the account nominee details across the various onsite banking. She updates her nominees for the assets. Equally dividing between siblings and husband.
‘Jewellery? May be I should just sell it. Nah, should leave something for everyone’
'Of-course both sides of sisters will get it.'
'I should also leave some pieces for distant cousins. They might remember me as a big hearted cousin.'
(Some brownie points never hurt anyone.)
'Next what! Oh yeah my bags and personal belongings. I should find a charity.' Done!
'Now how should they get this information?!'
'May be I should schedule an email! Yeah! With a video message. Yes. Beautiful.'
What-else, probably an explanation as well. So that they dont end up thinking or rather overthinking.
I should make it classy like Kurt Cobain.
Or may be bland instead.
Nope! Kurt Cobain’ish!
She opens a new document file on Google docs.
He just closed TV in the living room. She should continue tomorrow when he is in office. Preparation are almost done. She stares at the full bottle of antihistamine sitting in her desk drawer. She could not be sure of anything else in life right now.”
“One more day, and it shall be over soon.”
“How was the movie” She asks her husband. “Amazing, you should have seen it” He quips.
“Nah, I told you I would not have liked it, And you never watch my stuff on TV, so why should I” She complains.
He grabs the book on his night table and picks his phone to check messages. Not realising there is a discussion in the room vying for his curiosity.
She resumes her writing on the Google document.
“I may be long gone by the time..........
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