Just A Conversation

One of those days when you are short of short-story. There was time when you could puke philosophical venom for million pages without any intake of alcohol. Life grows up. Yes, Not you but Life. Whoever started saying "grow up/ growing up and other related phrases with 'grow'" actually started a very one sided approach for 'growing up'. It is hard to believe that you can or would grow up. One can never. Rather, you should never.

Why do you have to grow up at first place?

To lose that child-like charm!
To be those far-distant intellects!
To be the show-room of 'Idealism' of your sorts!
To reach up the set Bar and try to cross it!

No you should never. Instead give life a chance to grow on you.

That is every saint or 'sensible intellect' died saying. Live Life.

But how can you, when you don’t even give life a chance to grow. You have to wrap life in every minute of your busy schedule with tasks which by the way are never going to occur to you on your deathbed. You will not let that life pat on your shoulder because you are busy downloading software upgrade for newly bought windows phone. You won't take out those embarrassing photos out of cup-board to discuss with mother because you got to comment on photos of 3 months old friendship with ex-colleague’s.

Somewhere behind all the above mentioned 'Main-stage' drama, when you pick up laptop to do 'Facebook/Twitter/other virtual world's enigma' and see that your mother has placed herself near you to chit-chat her day out, a thought runs in back stage of mind; That thought never comes into picture first, because your default reaction is to ignore. But then you let it emerge which makes you see her with tired shoulders and never-can-go-cold-for-you smile. You get the damn hard disk and play last Diwali festival’s home videos. She cheers up like a flash bulb all of a sudden and you imagine how come such a cornered folder on your hard-disk can make you feel so happy when you try million ways to find it on your homepage of facebook!

So Do not grow up. Let the Life do needful.
She is anyways a ruthless charming bitch.
Aint she!


  1. simple...yet i feel one of ur best...

  2. hey creature... another short and smart one.. I felt like that I was there watching the whole drama!! :-D credit goes to you... carry on...

  3. Thanks Md. Glad you liked this one too..:)

  4. Simple and beautiful. You really should categorize your writings well...and give everyone like us a chance to read... :)

    Just a constructive free suggestion: Please choose a simple, white or lighter plain blogger template. It would make reading easier and more relaxing for the eyes.

  5. Suggestion taken. Something creative for background.

    I started writing to channelize my thoughts when overdone. Never though to categorize. This is just for fun :)I am just glad.Thanks for kind words.

  6. :) Something that starts as FUN n HOBBY can become a full fledged profession and you would not even realize... :)

    How about incorporating the Mind and Soul sign as header and keeping rest of the navigation n page simple n elegant....

    baki you are the creative one... Good Luck n keep writing...

  7. I hope one day this hobby turns into a profession. .need hardwork then. .lets see. .I am working on template. .give it sometime. .want to give personal touch. .thanks for all kind words. .


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