Short Story- A day in my life


Day started as usual. I was up by 6:45 a.m. I was little happy as two more days to go for weekend. I was also excited as i had done waxing and threading so i was all ready to wear this new kurti of mine which i bought last. I called Kavi at 6:30 and felt kind of burdened to give him a call. I feel this now a days more often that giving him a call is like a duty. In the morning itself i feel terrible giving him a call. I dont know what the hell is happening to me. Is it a crush? or was it a crush? I am a bitch if i am playing with him. May be this is the way i love. Perhaps, because I am irritiated with this fact that he is not around and i dont think so there are good chances he and me will be meeting in coming days.

Anyways no benefit in carrying this on. So I went to loo and spent 5 more minutes than usual as i was not feeling well from stomach part. I have got Gas as i had around 20 those stupid hajmola type tablet. I needed some burps and farts which i am not really good at. Still i went out and took bath, wore new kurti and got amused at me in the mirror quite a times. Then i got lunch and fruits.

Finally i am back on fruit schedule. Thanks to mum. Sometimes she gets us fruits when she thinks!

I was happy as i get to spare 2 minutes to have my tea peacefully.

Then i gave a call to kavi. He was not feeling well. Now a days it is happening more. I am getting sick of it as i am totally helpless. Most of the times he is complaining and this is not what i was looking for. Again differnet tinge of my character. Am i really a bitch? What if i am? I deserve to be happy.

Cab was fine.Back seat dint let me sleep but thanks to song and my excitement towards new kurti that i was not bugged and talked to kavi peacefully.

I was in office and arunima complemented me genuinly. I could see that. I went for a tea. This is my favourite time when i am all settled and having tea in the courtyard with team mates. I really enjoy this. Probably this is first good moment I am enjoying.

Got on with some training in office. The trainer is like a gora. And he sucks. The fact that he is on job grade of 11 makes me miserable.I pity him too though but i think he is really not bothered if somebody is really intersted or not!..

So i am attending the training with interest and loose my attention in between imagining myself with kavi. Why does it happen to me always when i am in middle of something important. So i imagine for half n hour n then shake myself or rather kick my ass, imaginary u see. This gas in stomach is making me more miserable. So that blonde dum trainer allows for a break and we go for breakfast.

Divya, Ruksana and akash are there to accompany me. I dont like the company though. I had limca and a bite of the parantha which would make me guilty if i have more. So i resume to training. I wait for lunch now. I decided to skip lunch but i think i will take smething light. So again i had lunch. Kadhi and roti. Khana thankfully was not so interesting. I went to TT in lunch which i was enjoying for a change.

At 2:35 we moved to training and thanks to mukul i got to know what was actually happening. We did the exercise together.It was great i got to know what was happening.

Then some jokey moments with anurima and mukul, i think second best moment of my day.Laughed out loud.

I had paneer kulcha in the evening and got a cramp in my lower stomach.I then wrapped up and moved to my cab.I gave a call to him.He was busy but i explained him about cramp and i could feel he was busy. Anyways cab was kinda gud while returning. As usual shubha cracked some sleezy jokes ,some of them made me laugh though.

I got back and had a worry as i had to do laundry and then yoga and situps. I am really happy wiht myself as i did laundary, situps and yoga as well. I had tea and sandwithces. I danced too. I talked to Kavi then. I had a good talk but he mentioned kripa in between which i dint like. I can feel his double standards here. I dont like it. The worst part is, he knows this and is still mum. Go to hell man! I dont give a damn! I think i cant take it more. I had dinner and good game of badminton. The third best moment of my day. Bhai and behen wanted to have ice cream. I like them when they are happy.

Mum, as usual, was eager for stuff. Again it feels miserable that I cant have a mother!

Anyways i cant really cry over one sorrow..
Its a life.
Papa arrived.

I thought i will again have some good talks with kavi which he cudnt. I think we both are expecting something or the other from each other. Again i am depressed.
Sometimes i dont like those looks on my father's face.

I remember those days which i dont want to!!!!!!

Anyways tried calling up kavi but he is asleep without taking medicine. Fuck off!
I will also sleep as if it is matter of life or death to ANYBODY!


  1. Hope, now you have found out your destiny.. And your soul is in peace!!!

  2. Yes long time now..its just a memory now..:)


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