Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be...Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar, and you'll live as you've never live
Hi, I am a 29 year old, average looking man. I come from a middle class background though now we are doing well. I have a young sister who is settled with her job in Singapore. My parents are happy and have decided to settle in hometown near Darjeeling. I stay in Delhi and work in Gurgaon. I started my career as a developer and now I am leading a team who calls me Project Manager. I have around 6-7 different friend/social circle. I have been on and off with relationships and one night stands. I was an occasional smoker but now it has increased in recent times. I drink socially and mostly prefer scotch, mild! I was never a shy being. I used to be a talk of town, way back in college. Getting involved with college events, late night parties, hanging out with new chick on the block were standards of living back then. I was a popular in my teachers and professors. In college times, I avoided falling into relationships considering I had a mountain like career and professional life ahead...
It was flourishing since long time back and ended with so many loose ends. Never imagined it was so tender. Now when trying to move ahead it takes 20 steps back. But it has to be ended. But it has to be ended so that new beginning occurs. But why it had to take such a turn. I no longer finds an answer. I feel miserably angry and helpless. I still wish for a miracle. Yes i still do. And it will happen. Will it happen. No i think this is it. The book has finished. Dreams have been torn. Time will erase it from the memory as well. Still...... No, it cant be i guess. It just cannot be. Big time hurt. A giant blow. U live in prosperity and ego. Rake your field. You will realize one day. how easy it has been if just a little respect surrounded!
It will be suicidal to write something on daily soaps that also when I am writing after ages. Yes, I have been going through..err.. “writer’s block” (feels very big deal sorts, nevertheless). I started writing on some topics which I would say, were just for the sake of writing; hence I’d Withdrawn those. So while finishing dinner this thought passed by - The daily soaps running now days. Yes I WATCH them. Not all but some. My favourite is ‘ Kya Hua Tera Wada ’ and why? because It does not seem from the time of ‘Jai Maa Santoshi’, infact it is trying its best to be as urban as possible. Does not matter if they are failing, but they are trying. For a change Today’s Daily Soaps do not irk. They offer divorce with the speed Your Mom takes chapatti off the Gas. It has smooches and it has sex. It has an IAS aspirant helping his cook husband to win third class version of Master-chef from a Foreigner who was rejected a background dancer role in bollywood. The kid worked in child-marriage s...
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