Loosened and lost ends

It was flourishing since long time back and ended with so many loose ends.
Never imagined it was so tender.
Now when trying to move ahead it takes 20 steps back.
But it has to be ended.
But it has to be ended so that new beginning occurs.
But why it had to take such a turn.
I no longer finds an answer.
I feel miserably angry and helpless.
I still wish for a miracle.
Yes i still do.
And it will happen.
Will it happen.
No i think this is it.
The book has finished.
Dreams have been torn.
Time will erase it from the memory as well.
No, it cant be i guess.
It just cannot be.
Big time hurt.
A giant blow.
U live in prosperity and ego.
Rake your field.
You will realize one day.
how easy it has been if
just a little respect


  1. A chapter closed...or was it over...
    memories and stories and words that linger..
    running the finger back thru those pages...
    each step back, pulled into the storm..
    each step forward...strength and forlorn
    leaving behind the book...
    for theres many more to pen
    tucked away in a familiar corner...
    far far away...always within reach

  2. still seems fresh..
    just like a wound..
    following the flow to leave behind the book..
    would have done it
    had there not been any loosened ends...

  3. Loosened ends... never tied up
    She walks ahead in the flowing stream...and still looks back
    Gurgling water and cool pebbles, lost in the flow
    Ties she could never tie, let loose in the wind
    carried away and eventually dissolved in the cool stream within..

  4. well may be thats the way it is...
    will be hooked to destiny at last...
    hope the cries die..
    with real happiness charmed around..

  5. there is always a word "HOPE".. !! we have a soul and that can fly like a sparrow flying in the heart of your eye in a winter morning.. and can make you feel like: you don't want to grow old!!! and want to live more.. more hundred years like that bird.. like; flying in the chest of a mystic dynasty.!!! :-) and so, hope is always there!!!!

  6. Being taken for granted sucks...yes, respect can do wonders.

  7. Absolutely Janaki. Right people always know this.


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